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Why We Support Climate Disclosure

“Envi­ron­men­tal risk is eco­nom­ic risk. And we believe that the most suc­cess­ful com­pa­nies of the future will be pur­pose-dri­ven and account­able for the ben­e­fit of all stake­hold­ers. That’s why Builders Vision is proud to sup­port the SEC’s pro­posed rules that enhance and stan­dard­ize cli­mate-relat­ed dis­clo­sures to pro­tect investors and our plan­et. This type of dis­clo­sure is urgent­ly need­ed. With these pro­posed rules, we will have access to the vital emis­sions data we need — mak­ing it eas­i­er to sup­port busi­ness­es that pri­or­i­tize pro­tect­ing our plan­et, includ­ing the finite nat­ur­al resources and bio­di­ver­si­ty that are essen­tial to our survival.”

— Lukas Walton, Founder and CEO, Builders Vision

April 20, 2022

To the Builders Vision Community:

Our mission at Builders Vision is to shift markets and minds for good to build a more humane and healthy planet. To do this, we must collaborate and learn from each other, our communities, and our partners in order to shepherd policies and practices that will protect our future. To shift markets and minds for good, we believe increased climate transparency from companies will allow for more purpose-driven decision making we need as investors.

The time for increased climate disclosure is here. As many of you know, the U.S. lags behind other countries when it comes to climate transparency. That’s why we support the SEC’s proposed rules to enhance and standardize climate-related disclosures to protect investors and our planet. We proudly join hundreds of companies, investors, and foundations in signing the Ceres’ SEC Climate Disclosure Sign-On Statement.

Environmental risk is economic risk. We believe that the most successful companies of the future will be purpose-driven and accountable for the benefit of all stakeholders. We are already seeing proof of that today. Our investments in sustainable and environmentally friendly companies continue to yield higher rates of return than the rest of our portfolio. As we and other investors continue to integrate ESG and impact strategies into our portfolios, we need consistent, comparable corporate transparency around environmental impact and exposure to climate change risks. With these new proposed rules from the SEC, we will have access to vital emissions data. This clarity will make it easier to support businesses that prioritize sustainability and biodiversity – which we fundamentally believe is an indicator of future profits.

We strongly believe that climate disclosure should be required by the SEC. Regardless of whether these rules come into effect, Builders Vision will continue to prioritize climate transparency and accountability when making our investment decisions.

As members of the Builders Vision community of portfolio companies, grantees, partners, and wealth managers, many of you already share our commitment to these efforts. We all must do our part to make sure that industry practices and decision making are focused on ensuring a more sustainable future. We will continue to learn from and collaborate with you to build on the progress we’ve made.

We hope you’ll join us in supporting this crucial step. There is simply no time to waste.

Thank you for your continued partnership.

